Radical Product Thinking:
Vision Setting Course
In this course, you’ll learn what makes a good product vision statement and how to create a shared vision that fuels team and organisational alignment.

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Product management career
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Cracking the PM Career: Chapters 1 and 2

What does it take to become a great product manager, or to lead and inspire product teams? When do you know that people management the right career move for you? How do you build your product intuition, hone your execution, strengthen your leadership, and develop your strategic skills? In our book Cracking the PM career we

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Make the transition to product leadership

Little in a company is more important than the successful transition to a leadership role — make good decisions as a senior leader and you’ll positively impact the business. Make bad decisions and your influence on the organisation will surely hit a bum note. But transition to product leadership isn’t always easy. McKinsey posits that 50% of

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A case study – how to end cooperation with a software house or contractor

So you outsource. If everything is going well and according to the plan and budget, then perfect. But what to do, if not? I have had this case twice now. The company I was working with outsourced a software house and external consultants. The reason for that was valid, pros and cons discussed. Yet, after

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SUNDAY REWIND: Bias in interviews and why hiring in product broken

In this Sunday Rewind episode, we look at why hiring in product is broken, and how hypothetical product interview questions you get asked in interviews are just the tip of the iceberg.

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Putting people at the heart of product led growth by Ian Booth

In this ProductTank London talk, Ian Booth, Senior Product Manager at EduMe, provides insight into the benefits of putting people at the heart of product-led growth.

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Effective communication with software engineers

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Spotify, crypto, and ethics – Cennydd Bowles on The Product Experience

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Killing product zombies: a five-step approach

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Busting product management myths: Part 2 of 2

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Product manager zero: How to be number one

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SUNDAY REWIND: Roadmaps are Dead! Long Live Roadmaps! by C. Todd Lombardo

As our Roadmapping focus week draws to a close, we have decided to close on this epic #mtpcon San Francisco talk where C. Todd Lombardo takes on a topic that is emotional to most of us as product managers – the product roadmap.

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Product Roadmap
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Why roadmaps don’t matter (that much) by Stephen Culligan

In this ProductTank Buenos Aires talk, Stephen Culligan, Head of Product at Prommt and former Product Manager at Pivotal Labs discusses how we can build better roadmaps by focusing on the bigger picture and pivoting our attention to strategy and vision.

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Taming the roadmap circus by Maarten Dalmijn

In this #mtpcon London+EMEA session, Maarten Dalmijn, then Head of Product at Rodeo, provides insight into what product managers can do differently during the roadmapping process to avoid turning the process into a circus. Watch the video to see his talk in full or read on for an overview of the key points: Communicating intent and

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How to bring product thinking to any team by Merissa Silk

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Product Roadmap
FEB 10

Roadmaps: Break the rules without breaking the principles

We all know roadmaps shouldn’t be timelines with lists of features. But in many organizations, that is what executives and stakeholders want, or even require. If you can’t win the battle on roadmap structure, you can at least stay true to the principles of a flexible roadmap.

Emily Tate
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Product roadmaps vs data – Jeremy Levy on The Product Experience

Making your roadmap work hard for you is one of the critical skills of a Product Manager. Find out how Jeremy Levy, CEO of Indicative, leverages customer data to inform his product roadmap. In this episode, we also discuss who should be responsible for the data strategy in the business and why it’s so much easier to get it right these days.

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How to get the most value out of your product roadmap

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Product management career

Got questions about your product career?

Got questions about your product career? You’re not the only one. Here you’ll find exclusive answers from Susana Lopes, Director of Product at Onfido, to five product management career questions. The questions What product management roles can be done part time? Is people management a requirement of a Head of Product role? What advice would

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Lessons learned in building product roadmaps by Jen Taylor

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Product ethics

SUNDAY REWIND: An ethical sanity check — what would trolls do?

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Product Management Career

From engineering to product management at Google

In this ProductTank Exeter talk, Stephanie Hannon, then Senior Director of Product Management at Google, sits down with Thor Mitchell for a Fireside chat to discuss what it’s like being a product manager and the things she’s learned over her career.

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Customer Research

Leading product research with empathy

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Celebrating 150 episodes: The Product Experience podcast

After over three years on The Product Experience, we have reached our 150th episode! In this compilation episode on the podcast, we look back at the highlights from some of our favourite shows.